The Walking Cadaver

In categories: AmericanKaijuSofubi

walking cadaver

Releasing Next Wednesday, October, 29th at 7:00pm at Mishka Broadway.

Each figure is a unique variant to the edition, hand painted by Joe Merrill. Featuring Assorted hair colors.

$135 each

Illustration by Lamour Supreme for the Header card and T-Shirt print from Mishka.

From Joe Merrill of Splurrt: “The Cadaver twins are an evolution of Cadaver Kid, in an effort to evolve and strengthen my ‘Cadaver’ line.

In sofubi new parts are often created as a more cost effective alternative to full new sculpts of characters, breathing new life and creativity into existing silhouettes and lines.

The walking Cadaver draws from zombie, skull, and mummy pop culture films. But my main inspiration in creating it was to do a Cadaver head with hair in place, to diversify the Cadaver family features.”

conjoined large ghoul


walking cadaver

walking cadaverwalking cadaver


walking cadaver walking cadaver
walking cadaver

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